Toe Splints (for Dystonia) To Improve Walking
My toes curl under when I walk making my balance more difficult to maintain.
Does anybody use toe splints to help with this problem?
Thank you.
Thanks. Maybe the splints are worth a try. I've had PD roughly the same amount of time.
No splints. But I have noticed that my toes are beginning to curl under.😀
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member, DBS is deep brain stimulation. Where they hook up wires to parts of your brain in order to control your movements and then they get wired to a battery pack in your neck or stomach. Bean
Bean, what is DBS? My toes curling is the major problem I'm having. Makes shopping difficult. Supposed to go out of town for a concert and don't want to ruin it for my friends by having to walk extremely slow or constantly stopping to massage my foot. Or worse, not being able to go at all. Thanks!
I had that also with my toes curling under. It was painful to walk on them. I used to wear shoes that were tight and kept my toes from curling. I even wore them to bed. But now that I had DBS that went away, thank God. Bean
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