Does Anyone Else Have Vertical Double Vision? Instead Of On The Side, Mine Is Below The Actual Image.
I think it’s wonderful the way everyone has responded to your question. I hope you’re feeling better by now. I do not have double vision but often have blurred vision especially in the morning after talking meds. I also have dry eye and use drops daily.
My Neuro sent me to several specialists because I have both, vertical and horizontal. It is somewhat common I was told, given Rystasis, and have to have 4 hour long exams 3 times .a year. It has to do with the dryness of the eye and the optical nerve. The other factor is lack of sleep and how we close our eyes. As it is we do not close our eye lids all the way, just a PD thing, So between tiredness, dryness and acute eye intensity it will continue. We also have a tendency to rub off the layers of tissue from our eyes due to dryness. So.... see your specialists, they need the equipment and stay on top of it. All this combined can cause blindness,.
I do
My vision tends to be double more in evening to later. Went to optician 4 weeks ago and prescription changed with prisim built into lenses but so far no change
I'm going to have to go back to the eye doctor, the bifocals aren't working that well. I can see better out of my old reading glasses.
Anyone Else Have Double-vision Problems?
Low Blood Pressure, Passing Out.
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