Eye Problems Related To Parkinson's
I have been experiencing eye problems the last few days. I think they might be floaters. I've never had them before. I have had cataract surgery some years ago. I looked up floaters online and saw that they can happen sometimes after a cataract surgery. I also wonder if they could be related to Parkinson's. Has anyone had this problem?
I have had a floater develop in each eye since diagnosed 10/2017. Also acquired dry eyes, I’m supposed to use moisturizing eye drops every day. My optician says my vision has not changed the last 2 years but my dry eyes are causing my eyelids to drag over my eyes. This is what’s causing my perceived vision problem.
My sincere thanks to all those who sent me helpful suggestions for dealing with my eye floaters. I think I may have found a solution and will let you know the results. I did want to repost something very important I had mentioned previously on MPT.
Many Parkinson's patients and some neurologists are unaware that taking carbidopa levodopa can be is dangerous for those with narrow angle glaucoma. The good news is that narrow angle glaucoma can be surgically corrected. Then it is safe to take to take carbidopa levodopa. I had narrow angle glaucoma and was cured by surgery before I started taking the carbidopa-levodopa. If I had not known about this problem, I might have had serious eye problems by now. I have an unknown PD patient who lives in Florida to thank for giving me this info that may have saved my sight.
There is a medical specialty called neuro-opthomology who may be able to do something, or at least give an answer, but they are few and far between. I know there's one associated with Mich State University, but he's the only one I know of. My floaters started before cataracts and mostly disappeared after surgery, but the eye doctors said they go with aging eyes. The eye problem which can accompany PD, is not being able to keep the eyes open. Not that you're sleeping necessary, though you very well may doze off, but as your muscles weaken, it may affect eye muscles.
PD patients don't blink as often as those without therefore they are more susceptible to dry eye problems.
Thank you for asking a question about PD and vision.
I just read an article titled ' we need greater awareness of vision issues in Parkinson's' in the June 30, 2021 Parkinson's News Today. The article indicates people with PD have more vision problems than the general population. This article also states that those with PD may have eye movement or blinking problems as well as dry eyes, blurred vision, inability to sense individual colors or contrast, and/or visual hallucinations.
I often see things in my peripheral vision that aren't there. It's disconcerting but somewhat comforting to know PD may be the culprit.
Anybody Having Vision Problems? My Vision Is So Blurry. When Read Or Watch TV It's Like A Shadow Around The Letters And The Faces.
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