Can A Person With Parkinson's Be An Organ Donor? Or Would They Need To Give Their Entire Body For Parkinson's Research?
It is possible to donate a brain for PD research. There is a great shortage of brain tissue for the study of many neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). Brain donations give researchers an opportunity to better understand these neurodegenerative disorders and provide insights on improving treatments and medications while increasing the odds of finding a cure.
To promote the importance of brain donation in the Parkinson's research field, the Parkinson's Foundation has partnered with the, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing brain donations to help advance science, leading to the treatment and cure of neurological, neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.
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With Parkinson’s your body continually breaks down over time getting weaker and weaker, eventually you get sick your body can’t fight it off it turns into pneumonia and you die from that. Why wouldn’t your other organs be good? I’m a organ donor. They know how what they c use and if they can’t well it’s no skin of of my back,!! lol
When the DMV “seized “ my driver’s license due to my neurologist being a mandated reporter had to report to the DMV, my neurological condition, I was subsequently issued a California disabled Senior ID and a disabled parking placard. The application did have the provision for one to be an organ donor.
Thanks, Carl
Thanks for the information!
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