I Take 5 Pills A Day Of C/l Dopa. My Tremors Haven't Improved. Is There A Limit To How Many Pills You Should Take A Day?
l'm concerned that my neurologist isn't regulating my dosage c/l dopa.
Is your neurologist a Parkinson’s specialist?
I had the same problems with changed meds.
yes my neurologist is a Parkinson specialist. He seems to busy to regulate my drugs
I take 4 carbidopa/levidopea 4 times daily and 1 entacaponne tablet once a day. The neurologist doesn't want be to take more and sometimes it is a struggle to make it through 24 hours.
I was taken off clonazepam to help with my livid dreaming, but it got worse so my Parkinson’s .05 of a dosage.
Team just put me back onto them, also l was having trouble with pain in the stomach, with consipation suggested this was common with people suffering from pd, and suggested to take prune juice in the morning before any food, 100 mil warmed in the microwave l have just tried it waiting for the result
Hope this can help other sufferers Bernie from Australia
C/L Medication
How Many Pills Do You Take Per Day?
How Many Pills Like Carbadopa Are Too Much I'm Taking 12 A Day What Is The Limit