Has Anyone Read This Book? Any Thoughts ?
Here is the link to order the book from Amazon. Used books are available also. Comments from those that read this book is encouraging to purchase the book.
Pls don't forget to get the 300 plus page book called Victory Counts from the Davis Phinney foundation... It is free and you pay the 6$ for shipping
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - I get it at the grocery store. It is also available inexpensively at drug stores, health food stores, and online. Just check the ingredients for no additives like rice flour or bees wax. It should just be the herb and the capsule.
I have not read it. In my experience less caregivving is more helpful. My husband married me knowing I have PD. I don't think he really knew what it is or what it would mean for us. In general, he treats me as if I am normal - which helps me to Be normal. You are one of my PD heros that you fell in love with your boyfriiend knowing he has PD, and you are sticking with him. The rewards are great. Continue to enable your boyfriend to do the things you both love - that is the best advice I can give you!
My husband got a really good book for caregivers (he is mine) from the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
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