Has Anyone Experienced Personality Change Since Diagnosed With Parkinson's Or After DBS Surgery?
DO NOT GIVE IN TO THIS STINKING NO GOOD DISEASE. Did I say that loudly enuf. Ok i get it those of you that are advancing in your symptoms are not the same happy fun loving guy or gal you uused to be but b4 we surrender to the stay at home Tendancy lets examine why that appears to be an attractive alternative.
I MIGHT EMBARRASS MYSELF. Then pick your friends and your places more carefully. Tell them your concerns and how if things get bad enuf you might have to beat a hasty
retreat. Close friends will understand.
Maybe even talking to a manager of the place you are going to get a spot out of the mainstream. I understand your feelings that it would
be best if you simply died. DONT THINK THAT WAY. Hell if you start feeling like that write me with your numberill call you and ill get you cheered up somehow
yes definitely especially pre-diagnosis in initial period after diagnosis i was angry at everyone and everything and then realized it was me and i made an effort to spend more time on things and more time with specific GOOD friends and that helped me alot. I still have bad days especially during OFF periods but generally i am back to my old happy go lucky cheery self. Thank god because it was a pleasant period and definitely did some temp damage to those close to me but all of that has been repaired.
All the more reason to get up, get dressed, get out--Try it once and see if you don't feel better about yourself. It will be hard, I know--been there, done that, don't want to do it again!
All the best to you, and hang in there.
i still suffer frustration and anger with myself when trying to do things that previously wouldn't have taken any time or extra effort. These days i have to write lists and diligently keep a diary otherwise i just don't remember things and i used to have a photographic memory for numbers, names, faces, dates and times. for instance in 32 years of working i never used a diary or kept a phone list it was all in my head and i had global teams and responsibilities now i have to right down when to take meds, do regular household chores, it is humiliating and frustrating but i have no other way otherwise i forget things and then the feeling of uselessness and not pulling my own weight comes in and its a powerful depressive strike. I have pads and pens all over the apartment and my mobile is glued to my hip and not for calls or facebook etc but for diary, email, lists and whatsapp checks with my darling princess. That life now and i just have to come to terms with it as frustrating as it is and yeah so days it really hits me in the face.
Husband appears more boldly such as more negativity about himself. Calls himself a Dickhead out of no where. Seems reluctant to do anything without discussing something to do with him. Where to eat,where to go on days off, no more vacumning floor, etc. Neck getting stiffer. Massging his neck helps somewhat.
In 3 Mos.my Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
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