Does PD Cause Light Drooling? Or It Might Be Facial Hair When I Grew Goatee To Reduce Shaving.
I have a plethora of saliva. I put a cloth in the corner of my mouth to wick it off, to help me sleep. I find putting a breath mint lodged above my dentures inside my cheek/lip helps me remember to swallow when in public. I blame part of the drooling on lack of feeling in my face. I don't feel the moisture. My grandchildren sometimes tell me I need to clean my face (with love). When I am focused on a project... like weeding, my mouth relaxes and because I am leaning over I start dripping.
Drooling is a common symptom of PD. It was what finally got me to a doctor, thinking I had some type of mild paralysis on one side of my face. From what I understand, it's because we don't swallow saliva automatically or as often as someone without PD and the excess just leaks out. My medication pretty much stopped the drooling although sometimes, if I a engrossed in something like playing the piano or reading a book, it still happens.
About a month ago I noticed some wetness during the day. I never feel like my mouth is full of saliva and when I'm up and about my lips are shut. I kept wondering where the liquid was coming from and how it escapes from my closed lips. No drooling when sleeping. I wake with tongue stuck to palate. I have decided that since no pain is involved, I'll consider it an annoyance.
I have drooling and dribbly, so at night i use tape or anti-snoring strap kit to keep mouth closed and during the day a pocket full of kleenex. I have a heavy goatee and moe that i sometimes leave untouched for months and other times shorten or remove and regrow it doesnt change the drooling. I also notice i get free flowing clear fluid from nose and to stop that one antihistamine tablet generally stops the episode. Hope this is helpful and gives you some ideas - Andy
I've been drooling for about a month. I can't figure out how it is coming out of my mouth because my mouth is closed and I don't feel like I have extra spit. Since it isn't causing pain, I just put up with it and wonder when I'll start foaming at the mouth.
This Question Is For All The Ladies Out There. How Do You Shave Your Legs And Not Butcher Them? I Did A Number On Mine Tonight! Ouch!!
Does Anyone Find Their Self Drooling For For No Reason
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