Freezing Of Gait Experience
Anybody here have issues with Freezing of Gait ? I want to know how common it is ?
what are effective ways of preventing or stopping it ? Thanks.
if u freeze up have someone get a flashlight and point the beam of light a few feet in front of, even better i to use a laser pointing device. It should get u unfrozen This is a way to trick our neural pathway through the eyes. There are other non-visual ways.
Check out Sarah King's video on freezing on You Tube under her
Invigorating Physical Therapy and Wellness site
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member, Google Pamela Quinn's PD Movement Lab. I think you'll find it very helpful.
yes I freeze sometimes especially when I am going through a doorway.
What Are Stragies For Freezing Gait?
Clinical Trial For Primary Progressive Freezing Of Gait, (FOG)?
Does Any One Know Anything About This