Does Anyone Have Parkinson Related Anger Issues?
I have never allowed myself to be a wimp. I approach PD with the same attitude but the more intense the body tremors, the angrier I get about the lack of control. I still have control but it sure takes a lot of effort to maintain. (and using a Phillips head screw driver over head has become a real challenge.)
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - I have to breathe deeply, mentally step back (pretend I don't care) or laugh, to keep the harder shaking from happening. It also helps to change position or direction and to hold my arms down and gently shake them out or to stretch gently. It Is frustrating to not be able to do simple movements that were so easy before - So what! Retrain, and practice! When I got PD, my husband got inoperable esophageal cancer. I had to put PD on the back burner and be his caregiver in addition to taking care of all our animals. After he passed on, I lived alone for 4 years, so if I didn't do something, it didn't get done! That's when I learned that PD lies - I Can do things, but I have to retrain new neural pathways because the old familiar ones don't work any more.
I would much rather see a Parky get angry at PD than to give up and believe the lies it tries to get us to believe: "You can't walk anymore." "You can't stand up straight anymore." "You had better spend the rest of your life in this recliner/wheelchair/nursing home." and on & on, ad nauseum - you know what I mean - I can see that PD tries to convince you of these things, too. In many ways I am in Stage 5 PD, yet I still climb a ladder to harvest my pie cherries (overhead) before those awful starlings eat them all, and I still drive my manual transmission Subaru Forester through stream fords in mountain roads. Get mad! Get even! And get rid of your PD symptoms!
Yes, Parkinson’s disease (PD) is associated with behavioral changes such as irritability and anger. This is a common issue for individuals with PD.
For more information, you can refer to the article titled "Dealing With Anger Outbursts and Parkinson’s" on MyParkinsonsTeam.
This AI-generated response comes from MyParkinsonsTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - Thank you for the hug on my post above. I khow what you mean about taking an hour to type a small paragraph! It drives me crazy! I much prefer a computer keyboard or a Bluetooth keyboard. Touch screens are really difficult, although I have improved my eone-finger-peck" with practice. Many Parkies like the voice recognition on their computer or device. I hope to see more posts from you soon, but hugs & likes are always good
Thank you for your inspiration too, @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member ! I have added you to my team!
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