If You Are Younger And Need To Get Disability How Do You Go About It And Will I Need A Lawyer, How Does This Work?
How would I find a lawyer and how would I know if they are good. And is there ones that dont require a fortune since I dont have that and very limited funds. Do they work for you til you get your disability and take that as payment if you can't afford to pay them? I'm younger and I read the social security site but it reads like blahs blahs and it's very hard to understand that's why I'm asking , both of my doctors cut my working hours back and it's very hard to make ends meet without help… read more
The neurologist record must be super clear and detailed. It can’t say just “can’t work”. It must say neurocognitive disorder, Parkinsonism. This is a clinical diagnosis so it must be detailed.
Suggest cognitive impairment exam as well.
Obviously, never misrepresent anything! Your social security attorney is CRITICAL!!!
Doctor must say progressive Neurocognitive Disorder, Parkinsonism. Which is the truth.
I’ve been through the entire process. Your doctor must document everything. The doctor’s notes must say something like progressive neurocognitive disorder, Parkinsonism. Something that clearly falls in the category the social security agent can clearly see. Sloppy doctor notes will hurt you. Parkinsonism does not have a biomarker so it is a clinical diagnosis. If you have any dat scan that shows positive it will help.
SS always turns you down the first time. Take letters from Dr indicating you can not work
Take letter from employer that you cannot perform your duties. Persevere and try on your own before getting a lawyer. . But if you do get one who specializes in SSI. Of you are accepted you will get compensation from when you first applied. Good luck
I’m 100 percent sure about this. I know this process very well.
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