Anyone Switch To Timed Released Levodopa/carbidop?
What was your experience?
I did about a year ago and it made a big difference. My “off time” decreased significantly, my tremors minimized, and I feel better overall. Good luck.
I've been on the extended release since diagnosed in July of 2018. My neurologist did not prescribe the extended release formulation but the pharmacy made a mistake. They picked up their error when I went for a renewal. I contacted my dr and she said if it was working for me to to continue taking it. I don't have any experience with the non ER but I certainly have nothing but good things to say for the extended release. I take 25/100 mg carbidopa/levodopa 4 times a day and usually don't have any down time unless I've overdone it in some way or not gotten enough sleep/rest. I'm in early stages so I'm not sure if that's relevant but it's certainly worth asking your dr about.
Id if he could work with therapist to help him work on excerecises that wold be great hj help . Hang onto something if one has to as one moves things get better to me
He's been on it a month. 3 x per day. It seems to help with the trembling. He's still unsteady in his gait. We're 57.
I'vd been using the timed release carbo-levadopa for several years with good results.
I Am Just About To Start Carbidopa Levidopa.
Rytary/ Carvadopa/levadopa
Does Anyone Take Something Other Than Levodopa And If So What Are Your Side Effects ?