Has Any If You Received Effective Treatment For Low Voice Volumen Causing People To Have Teouble Talking To You?
I take care of my grandchildren a couple days per week and have been taking them to music class weekly for a few years now. When I started I could barely sing, now I can sing again, not well but I could never sing well. Also the class has us up and down from the floor, dancing, playing rhythm instruments, following patterns and tones etc. a 45 minute music therapy session for me weekly, and my grandchildren love it. The one I go to is called Music Together and is a National organization. Classes are offered through the local Parks and Recreation organization here.
I went to Big and Loud a few years ago. It was great for movement, speech, fine hand control etc
Thank you. I am trying to get a referral from neurologist
There are several methods of helping, however I found that voice lessons were very helpful.
We have 2 Parkinson’s clinics in Minnesota that offer it, I have a pamphlet, thanks for reminding me.
I Have Developed Droop Neck I Do Neck Exercise But Little Improvement I Have Very Short Walking Distance. I Am 77 And Have 13 Years Diagnos
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