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Voice Problems And Choking Are Any One Know The Best Help?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Qualicum Beach, BC

About three months ago I started having trouble with my voice being raspy now I lose my voice completely and my throat hurts. I also have trouble swallowing, I choke on soft food such as bread or mashed potatoes. I realize that if I lose my voice I won't even be able to talk on the phone. Both of my kids and grandkids live in the USA, I live in Canada. Thank you

November 4, 2018
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Look around for a Speech Therapist that uses the Lee Silverman Method. This is not the usual type of speech therapy. It works and the sooner the better, but continued practice is necessary. The Champion Boxer Mohamed Ali lost his speech..

November 6, 2018
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Find a speech therapist who practices the Lee Silverman Method. You will need to first be examined by an ENT doctor to rule out other issues. The Lee Silverman Method is different than reg speech therapy & designed specifically for those of us with PD. I had it and as others have said that practice after therapy is a must. Talk as much as you can to who ever you meet. My partner is half deaf so it's frustrating, but fortunately I have female friends to chat with. Let us know how you make out. My Ins. covered it & from what I hear Canada has great Medical Ins.

December 3, 2018
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I agree. A speech therapist Is a great suggesrion. Our local small town has one on staff. Assuming "previous condition" is still covered, you may even get it covered!

November 8, 2018
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

i had a bowling partner that lost his voice went for therapy and got it back stopped exercises and lost it again good luck and stay the course

November 4, 2018
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

My partner was diagnosed just over a year ago, and he says that he has experienced choking a few times just recently and he frequently has sore throats. Is this a symptom of PD or the medication?

January 2, 2019

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