After Reading A Lot About Personality Changes After Dbs, Has Any Experienced This? Bean
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member the DBS was successful to control the essential tremors since it was worse than the pd I also have. I had to have several adjustments before it has been successful in controlling the shakes. I have not noticed any personality change. I know that I do not talk as much and I do have to make myself go out to be with other people.
Yes! They check to make sure it is set for the tremors. What happens is they want the machine to work and the meds you are taking get to be less.
I could not get my DBS done in Jacksonvile for the Dr. did not take my insurance. Dr. Giller in Augusta, GA did mine. I did a lot of research about DGS and checked out Drs. Gr. Kurek was my movement disorder neurologist. Liked her and Dr. Giller. I also liked AU wher I had the surgey.
Hey Bilzie, did not do surgery yet. It is my very next step so I am doing a lot of reading on the subject. I am going to try and get Kelly Foote to do the surgery but he does not know it yet. I am researching him also. He is in Gainsville, Fla. Bean
You mean you have to have tune-ups with dbs?? Bean
Has Anyone Experienced Personality Change Since Diagnosed With Parkinson's Or After DBS Surgery?
For Those Of You Who Had The DBS Surgery, How Often Do You Get Reprogramed? Bean
Have You Noticed Brittle Hair, Hair Loss, Texture Change, Hair Difficult To Manage Since Having PD?