I Get Tingling"pins And Needles" In My Left Foot And Ankle , When I Remove Footwear I "wiggle" My Toes And Eventually Tingling Goes.
I don’t know if you have diabetes.your symptoms are related to neuropathy. Some times a deficiency in potassium,magnesium may provoke this event,you may need labs for that. Some people try B-12 or complex B supplement. There is another condition this is vascular incompetence this ay include cramps and you may need a Doppler to confirm. Now the use of compression sock,some of them has copper bands may also help if your Md prescribed. To relief swelling ,pain you may try otc Arnica gel you apply topically as a rubbing gel
Yep I get pins needles and cramps in my feet. Have to wriggle them or walk till it goes away
Try the stents therapy is over the counter to improve.may try B-12.;exercise daily the finger with rolling can in a surface ,try a hand grip pick up little things in a box
I get tingling but only in left hand, left foot. Exercise of each limb helps quite a bit.
I have a lot of tingling of my hands especially when I don't use them
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