Compulsive Tongue Sucking
Hi, all. I’ve recently developed a most curious behavior. I suck on my tongue – constantly! This is no small matter! My tongue is raw, with sores all over it caused by the constant irritation. This has gone on for about two months now and I have never done it before. I’m wondering if it is the Parkinson’s itself or the medication. (I take carbidopa-levadopa 25/100 3X daily.) I know that this medication is associated with some compulsive behaviors. I think this definitely qualifies as… read more
When I first got PD, I held the insides of my cheeks in my teeth, creating long callouses inside my mouth. I just had to constantly tell myself not to do it, and stretch my mouth a little to make room to actually close my teeth without touching those callouses. Now, years later, I still catch myself doing it sometimes, but I think that conscious awareness of these weird mouth things is the first step to being able to stop them. For me, the next step was to catch myself doing it, relax, and consciously stop, maybe several times a minute.
I have had that also, I have started chewing sugarless gum to give my tongue something to do, it helps
I constantly purse my lips, move my tongue over my teeth, and constantly curl my toes. That is besides the tremors and gait problems, I may ask dentist about a mouth guard. Can't wait to what develops next!
Update: I’ve discovered chewing gum keeps me from chewing my tongue and cheeks. Now I just have to be aware so as not to chomp. 😉 But I think it’s maybe the lesser of the two evils.
I bite the inside of my cheeks & hold it hard. For me I think it was a natural response to lower jaw tremors & chattering teeth
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