Safinamide Been Prescribed
My husband has been prescribed a new Parkinson’s drug, Safinamide 50mg today to add in with his Madopar which he takes 4 times a day. He’s to take the 50mg once a day in the mornings for 4 weeks and then if no adverse reactions he’s to increase the dose to 100mg.
Has anyone else been taking this and if so have they had any improvement with their symptoms?
Xadago, also known by its drug name safinamide, is a prescription drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an add-on medication to treat Parkinson’s disease. It is indicated for people who are taking [[treatment:levodopa/carbidopa:55d534f51fcaa397470006dd]] but experiencing “off” episodes where their Show Full Answer
Hello Angela - we are in a similar situation. My husband was prescribed 50mg Safinamide to take in exactly the same way. He has been taking it for two months now but we do not think that there is any difference at all. He is due to the see the consultant again before Christmas and will probably have an increase in dosage at that time. We had also been told that this is a new drug by the Parkinson's Nurse.
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