Is It Possible To Develop Parkinson's Due To A Traumatic Brain Injury? My Movement Disorder Specialist Said Unlikely
Think of Muhammed Ali. However, the cause of PD is still unknown and being researched.
Yes & that info seems to indicate that it is a definite possibility.
My husband was in a car accident when a woman turned into oncoming traffic. His vehicle was written off and he hit his head and does not remember the impact or a period of time after. Parkinson's type symptoms began shortly after - slowed movement, stiffness, pain in his shoulder and back, speech issues etc. He went for a sleep study to investigate Apnea and poor quality sleep and they suggested he see a Neurologist. The neurologist confirmed a Parkinson's diagnosis at the age of 46.
It may have already been brewing but symptoms appeared soon after so I have always wondered if there was a connection? My husband is sure of it.
Boxing ,football describe cases of parkinsonismm
Yes, me too
Has Anyone Been Given The Diagnosis Of Multlple System Atrophy Along With Parkinson's Or Instead Of P's After First Thinking It Was That?
Do You Have DIP?