Re Balance Issues What Is Meant By Physical Therapy
Also coconut oil and aantioxidants
Also, when the times comes that you need a cane/walker/rollator, the PT can help you pick a good one for you, teach you how to use it. My PT helped with cane; I've watched her help people with rollators.
I have had a standing physical therapy appointment every Wednesday for the last year and a half.
My physical therapist keeps me moving, stretches my muscles, works me through a range of exercises, etc..
We practice walking with and without resistance.
We use two pvc pipes with both the pt and I holding the poles while walking together trying to retrain my arms to swing and improve coordination.
My physical therapist had improved my posture, walking, as well as increased my strength and stability.
I was shuffling, staggering and basically hunched over and ready for a walker. I'm still slow, but my walking and mobility has improved by at least 100%.
A good Physical Therapist is worth the effort. It just takes time and effort.
This corrected my equilibrium in the first month of high dose B1 Thiamine HCL
I go for PT about once a year for twice a week for a few weeks. @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member has described it well. It's hard, but worth it.
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