How Do People Deal With Eating Meals? Mostly Dinner, I Have Slowed Down And Food Gets Cold And Unappetizing.
I have slowed down my eating process mostly because I chew my food more to avoid chocking. Family and friends let me fill my plate first and I am still the last one done eating.
I get frustrated and embarrassed!
This is something that my father struggles with too. He has always loved his food hot, enough that we would always 'warm it up' for him even prior to his diagnosis. He was always the first one done at the table and I even remember always telling him to slow down, and now it takes an hour to finish a meal for him. Preventing choking is sooo important thought, so go with cooler options of meals in the summer and ask your loved ones, (even wait staff) to warm things up for you if necessary. There are warming stones out there you could put under your plate as well that you could place on a hot pad to keep things warm for you too.
Thanks for the advice.
I like to eat a hot meal for dinner.
I eat breakfast and snacks before workouts. These are with my hands.
I guess I can start experimenting with Gazpacho?
Eat with your hands! Keep going outside and playing with the kids - it is good for you too
People who truly love you should wait for you to finish your meal without any issues. My mother in law was always the last one to finish her meal. It just gave us more time to talk!
@ Ruth Hill
Take no notice how fast other people goble their food - Just do your own thing.
Regards Ruth x
How Do People Deal With Eating Meals? Mostly Dinner, I Have Slowed Down And Food Gets Cold And Unappetizing.
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