Clinical Trials For Non-movement Symptoms Such As Anxiety?
I have episodes where I don't want to leave my house. There are times my sisters want me to go to lunch with them. I most likely won't want to go so I panic and call it off. Am I just crazy?
Not at all! I'm on Xanax0.25 and i always said I wood never take an y type of med like xanax. My dr. Talked me into trying it after I was assulted. And such a low dose just takes the edge off. Ask ur dr. About it or Google it. There could b something even better!
Firstly so sorry to hear you also get days like this....I too get days like this Betty so your def not going crazy, please try and force yourself to go out with your sisters your lucky to have them and there family they'll understand xx
Hi xanax is very useful
Annparkdick you're right. But I get scared. For no reason. Just a chemical imbalance. Hard to fix that.
Take care of yourself first. I've done this the last week and I already feel better. 🍀😊
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How Can I Participate In The Clinical Trial Using Gdmf
Actually I’m Feeling Pretty Bad. Yes How Do I Find Out About Any Clinical Trials Going On In My Area?