Anyone In A State Where Medicinal Cannabis Is Available? Anyone Tried/trying It And If So, What Kind Of Results Are You Getting? Oms Sage.
I use medical marijuna to help with my bipolar illness my husband the parkinsons patient uses homegrown marijuna.I think the medical would be of a greater benifet because it has such a low dose of THC and high CDP.My 85 yr.old Aunt in Toronto uses it for pain snd she talked me into trying it.What a differance it has made in my life.
I use it for sleep. I take marijuana gummies. It used to help me sleep more, but I’ve been restless with foot and leg cramps, lately.
My wife tried it in Quebec where it is legal for medical purposes. It did very little for her other than hit us in the pocket book. There has been no concrete scientific evidence as to its usefulness.
I started on cbd which is the only legal cannabis in the uk. It has given me so much energy and slightly helped my length of sleeping at night. My go approves. Takes about 10 days to kick in. Take capsules as oil does not taste nice. X
I have used gummies for over a year!
half THC and half CBD. amazing results. But I also take melatonin at bedtime followed by a gummy. The melatonin relaxes me and the gummy allows me to sleep longer. Love 💗 sleeping again. California resident so both are legal.
Has Anyone Tried Canabis Oil As A Pd Treatment? If So How Have You Found It, Any Improvements Etc?
Has Anyone Else Had Success With Using Medical Marijuana With PD? My Husband Is Considering It.....
I Understand Medical Marijuana Is Being Used For People With MS And Other Diseases. Anyone Using It For PD?