Has Anyone Any Feedback After Having Tried Medicinal Marjuana?
Like to hear about results,brand & source of supply
The medical marjunia is very different thrn the stuff you grow or buy on the street.Because I am a smoker I smoke it.First tried the drops but they make me sick because of the taste.My 85 yr.old Aunt uses the drops for pain management and a good friend uses them ( a synthetic pill form) for sleep.It helps stop the tears when I am low andbkeeps OCD and bipolar high under control.
You must have the thc with the cbd oil. If you are still strong enough to inhale with a vape pen ,smoke reacts within a few minutes. Or I'd you can't smoke, get the tincture that has thc in it. I am not a dr. This is all find in ding what works, but it works miracles for anxiety, tremors, hunger, switch ogg/switch on!
It will be legal in Canada in Oct.
I use very low dosethc candy. it has helped quite a bit the cbd oil//no thc, helps with inflammations. I had terrible costochronditis (chest wall cramps) that would be so painful I would scream and cry! none since I started the candy. HELPS ALSO WITH TREMORS, FATIGUE AND ANXIETY!!
I just answered someone else.withbl a similar ?.Look for my answer or you can private messanger me on facebook if you use it.
Hemp Oil
Has Anyone Tried Medical Marijuana To Ease Tremors.
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