Does Sleepiness Mean You Shouldn't Drive?
My husband falls asleep at the drop of a hat. He thinks he should be able to drive. I feel this would be very dangerous. Your thoughts please!
Almost without warning I began falling asleep at different times during the day. Falling asleep became so random and unexpected that I feared hurting someone else while driving and decided to ground myself . I've given my fairly new automobile to my oldest son to sell and will allow my driver's license to expire in March. Writing has given me an outlet that has contributed to a feeling of independence far more (at this age) than driving did.
I pull over every 2 hours if on long trip. And have a nap or just rest away from car. If I feel tired in between stops, then pull over asap,and rest/nap
I get tired a mind when I have to drive to Perth here in Western Australia it's a 3 hour drive. I drive so far and when I start feeling tired I pull over, put my seat back and have a snooze lol. Sometimes it's only 30 minutes or it can be an hour. I allow for this and stay at my son's over night , then do the same on way home. But I've had to stop my meds for a little while there and no way could I drive for more than 30 minutes. So I suppose it depends if you know your body and trust yourself
I got my license back after many letters even though the consultant said I was ok to drive they insisted on a further report by my doctor.
Once I start driving I am alert and don't have a problem with PD if I do then I will give up driving.
I have had to give up ski-ing darts and golf through PD I certainly do not want to give up my independence.just yet.
In Oregon if you renew your license before it expires you don't ha e to retest, so that's one way if you think it would be difficult to pass the tests. They do give you an eye test though. Also, if you get more than 3 tickets in a year after you turn 70 they will evaluate your driving ability and /or limit your driving hours. More tickets and you are looking at a suspension.
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