My 84 Year Old Father Has Parkinsons. He Is Complaining Of A Fever But Thermometer Reads Normal.
He says he has a fever but reads normal on thermometer. Is this typical for Parkinson's patients? Anyone else experience this? How do you deal with it or know what might cause this fevered feeling?
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
I agree with Greggie- I think PD messes with your internal thermostat. If I push it in the summer and start sweating - stand back - flood coming. It makes me really overheat. And when my wife begins peeling off sweaters i can be bundled up and freezing.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
G'day from Australia
I've the same problem, wake up 3 to 4 times a night wet from my sweet. My specialist told me PD sufferers can't control their body temperatures.
My hand are always icy cold. I tell people, cold hand warm heart.
I sweat buckets - no - swimming pools of sweat falling on everything below me. I shiver uncontrollably & can't get warm - both in a room that is a comfortable 70 degrees. I don't know if it is the PD or the meds that mess with our internal thermostat, but the result is the same. Cool drinks and a nice towel to wipe the sweat helps a lot when I am hot. Hot drinks & getting moving helps when I am cold.
I'm quite often cold. Even in summer in Australia where it can be as high as 45+` centergrade I always have a jumper with me to put on. My specialist told me that PD people can't control their body temperature.
On the other hand I can feel hot, when its cold. That is why I wake up 3 to 4 times a night with sweating. I go to bed with a t-shirt and boxes (through out the year) and my wife could go to sleep in jumpers and winter bj's (This is in winter as cold as 13`c). I can't win. BUT that's PD.
Before I was on meds, and before I retired, I came home from work and went to bed for a few hours while having full body tremors that felt like chills. No fever, no infections, just tremors and poor temperature regulation. Poor temperature regulation is a common non-motor symptom of PD.
In fact many patients with PD feel excessively hot or cold intermittently. This was first noted by James Parkinson in his original report in the 19th century. This symptom is a manifestation of the abnormalities that develop in the autonomic nervous system as the disease progresses.
What to do? See a Dr to increase or change meds.
Use a hot pad, sit in a hot tub, exercise
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