Do You Have Dexterity Issues?
Stupid question! We all do. I just wanted to share this video that helped me laugh at myself...
What a wonderful answer! I really feel irritated too when people assume I can't do something without at least allowing me to try. It is a good response to not get angry, but to tell them to back off and give you a chance. Then, if you find yourself to be unable to accomplish a task, to ask for assistance. We live in a use it or lose it body. I don't want to lose it, either. Yes! Changing methods breaks the freezing and makes progress possible! Love ya!
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - look at it this way: the only way to make typos is by typing - two finger, toes, whatever you use, you're using it. Good on you.
Well I certainly have difficulty with dexterity; I didn't always. My late husband was very good about helping me in that regard. But I really feel irritated when people assume I can't do something without at least allowing me to try. I don't get angry, but I will tell them to back off and give me a chance. Then, if I find myself to be unable to accomplish a task, I will ask for assistance. I believe if you don't want to lose it, you must use it. That has been my motto in some form or another since childhood when I was told no roller skating, climbing trees, running, ice skating, and on and on. In fact I wasn't supposed to be able to walk because of a birth defect. I showed them; I started walking at 10 months old wearing shoes connected by a bar with knobs on the bottom. I think my refusal to be held to what the doctor said has served me well. And just so everyone knows, the ONLY thing I was unable to do was ice skating. I climbed trees, roller skated, ran, played basketball, and lousy softball. But when it came to swimming, YES! I was a dolphin! Nowadays, because I can no longer do the artwork I once did, I have found a new way to create. Poor dexterity for some things won't make me give up; just change methods!
Lets put it this way . That could very well be me . Different hair style though . Seriously though I do have trouble hitting the same key multiple times . Video was funny hahahaha
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
You inspire me with your positive vibes. I am glad you are my new year openers. There are challenges with what diesease brings like pain and dexterity but we can accept these changes due to PD and make adjustments in howwe do things. We try to do's just tht we do them differently. Happy new year!
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