What Effect Does Cannabis Oil Have On Parkinsons' Symptoms ?
I have been trying cannabis for the past 4 years and get the best results
from it than any other medication that the Dr. has tried.
i also use Cannabis (smoke it ) for my essential tremors and find it so effective i dont use any other medication . it also helps my sleep patterns and lowers my anxiety and panic attacks . Although the UK laws havent caught up with parts of the states yet im blessed to live in Durham ;) . Some people prefer indica's some sativa's so best read up first.
What dosage of oil do you take?
What strength of oil do you use and what dosage? ?? 0.5ml of 10:10 or more?
You are wise.......whirly head = not good.......
From the few responses that i got......it doesn't seem like there are that many people
even trying it.....c'mon people give me some input.....
Thanx for yours, @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member
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