Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
I had bilateral electrodes implanted 3 years ago in the STN. I am now 46 years old. I had tremors very bad and they are under control now. I have my right side set at 5.0 and my left side is 3.7. My gait and speech are horrible. Does anyone else struggle with this?
That is a big difference between left and right settings - are your symptoms really that different on one side from the other ? Have you tried different settings (I find it is useful to change settings by 0.2V per day - they sometimes need time to settle in). I would try bringing teh left and right closer together first. If that makes things worse, then increase the settings favoring the weak side even more -- see whether your symptoms are getting better or worse. - These are changes you can make at home with your Patient Programmer.
RE DBS settings.
Good day,
I bid you greetings from downunder Australia.
In answer to your question, I have say quite clearly, that I do not have this issue.
If you are setting the stimulator your self then it is not suprising negetive issues arise.
That I do not have these negative issues, is due to the fact that, my treating specialist
selected the settings when it was initially switched on, and the same highly qualified
professional, has fine tuned it a couple of time since then.
I think, feel and believe, that I would living dangerously if I allowed an unqualified person
to have any control of the setting of the stimulator.
Perhaps we do things a little different in downunder AUSTRALIA.
Indeed I am thankfull for that. You bet I am.
Has Anyone Had Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
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Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)