Anyone Have Issues With Biting Their Inner Lip? I Have Bitten My Lower Lip X 5 In The Past Week... Parkinsons, Or Something Else?
All I can say is that this disease is so strange.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member, yes, yes yes! I do this also while eating and it drives me crazy. Sometimes so bad that it makes me bleed and then for some reason I keep doing it. So strange! I dont have dentures. So far I was the only one I know who did this until you. Bean
Me, too. I thought I was the only one doing this & never would have related it to my Parkinsons
Agreed! So many potential symptoms, such a wide and varied experience from one person to another, and seemingly so little real knowledge on the part of the medical system. Wish I could see into the future to see what they will have discovered in 10-20 years time!
I have no solution from medical. I have the same problem. I have started to chew more slowly . I pay close attention now to the foods I eat.
Does Anybody With A Lower Jaw Tremor Ever Wake Up To Bitten Lower Lip?
Can Anyone Enlighten Me On The Term Parkinsons Plus Please?
Recently I Started Biting My Tongue And/or Lip When Eating.