Anyone Have Issues With Biting Their Inner Lip? I Have Bitten My Lower Lip X 5 In The Past Week... Parkinsons, Or Something Else?
All I can say is that this disease is so strange.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member, yes, yes yes! I do this also while eating and it drives me crazy. Sometimes so bad that it makes me bleed and then for some reason I keep doing it. So strange! I dont have dentures. So far I was the only one I know who did this until you. Bean
You are spot on. Night before I spent over half the night choking. FYI...your lungs get really pissy when your stomach acid sneaks in. 🤔 once I darted from the bed gasping and choking, coughing my fool head off. I headed straight to my chair to save my own life and try to give my husband a little sleep....I was trying anyway 😒 He came out to the living room, patted me on my shoulder and said "i have the shower ready, get some steam, it should help. ". It did.
While much of the day was spent napping and recovering, I was ok, I had backup, my husband and my BEST friend. I know how blessed I am because he knows how blessed he is. We have always done everything together and now is no different...This IS the blessing. Thank you Lord. 🙏
I have come to a realization that Parkinson's is when every nerve or muscle that has EVER been used in any way from your birth to now in play....and it is now owned by Parkinson's. 🤬
Me, too. I thought I was the only one doing this & never would have related it to my Parkinsons
Does Anybody With A Lower Jaw Tremor Ever Wake Up To Bitten Lower Lip?
What Was Your First Indication That You Might Have PD? Was It Something You Noticed Or Someone Else?
Can Anyone Enlighten Me On The Term Parkinsons Plus Please?