Does Anyone Bite Their Tongue During Sleep? If So, What Do You Do About It?
I've been biting my tongue more often lately. Two weeks ago I bit it harder than ever. I've had PD for 11 yrs now and have more vivid dreams too. I don't remember 99% of them but I think it's related to my bite. When I eat I need to focus 100% or I bite the inside of my cheek.
i use a mouth guard sometimes like @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member when I notice that I've been biting my cheeks at night. A few nights with the mouth guard seems to do it, then I can stop for a month or so.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member I spoke Thx for your suggestion. I bite my cheeks too to my dentist and he is going to make one for me I bite my cheeks too but my upper lip gets cancer sore. I have been using a rinse which helps with dry mouth which comes from all the meds. I have always been a mouth breather and now I'm paying for it.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member I bite my tongue and my cheek. I have dry mouth and anyway have always been a mouth breather. I was relieved when I read your comment. I have diabetes as well as p.d. and can't seem to keep gum disease at bay and have lost many teeth. Also I often get canker sores on the underside of my lip. I never thought p.d. might be playing a role.
Same here. I bite it so hard it bleeds.. Have to put pressure on it to stop..
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Recently I Started Biting My Tongue And/or Lip When Eating.