DBS Surgery
Hi Everyone!
I am about to undergo DBS surgery on August 17. I wanted to ask those who have had the surgery what their experience was like? How long was recovery? If you were still working, did you go back to work? how long did it take? Essentially, anything you would like to share about your experience.
thanks !
I had a DBS surgery about 8 months ago. The surgery itself was quite uncomfortable,but not unbearable by any means. Having your head clamped in a frame for several hours is not a pleasant thing. I was asleep for the actual surgery. The surgery was done in two phases about 10 days apart. The recovery was about a month after second surgery . I am not working. I take about half the amount of medication I did before surgery. The combination of surgery and medication is what works for me. If I miss my scheduled meds my symptoms quickly return.. I'll be happy to answer any further questions
I found the surgery no to awful. I thought it was quite amazing. I was awake for the implanting of the leads. I felt some immediate relief from my tremors. A month later the pacemakers were put in. It took about 4 months of adjustments to get the settings right. It was well worth it.
I was diagnosed with PD in 2006. I had the DBS implant in 2014 and would recommend it to anyone. It has given me the ability to walk again which was the worst symptom of PD that i had at the time.
DBS is Deep Brain Stimulation where a stimulator was placed under the skin on my collar bone and wires run up under the skin that holes drilled into the skull and lead in my case leads, cause I had both right and left sides done at the same time, are placed in a couple different areas of the brain depending upon the several factors will determine lead placement. In my case the leads are deep in the brain. I only had 1 surgery that everything was completed in a 10 hour surgery. Total insurance cost was roughly 170,000. I spent overnight in hospital with about a 3 week recovery time. 3 month wait for the actual device to be turned on. Immediate difference was calming of tremors in left leg and I noticed I dont taking nearly as much medication. I have a controller to the Stimulator a card from the manufacturer that must be carried giving all info related to implant as well as a mefic as l bracelet i wear daily. Drs said that most noticable changes would take 6 to 12 months for me. Hope this information can benefit someone
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Fox I am so Happy for you.
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