Does Anyone Know Where I Can Try That Cannabis Oil I Have Heard That Treatment Helps I Hae Been Told There Is A Doctor
i hav been told that there is a doc in qld can any one lead me to the right place ill try anything, myb paon and my shajes are overbearig can any one please help me thank you
Hi @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. We have legalized medical marijuana in Canada. I have a apt at the cannabis clinic this week. After extensive questioning and looking into my medical records they wil prescribe a dose they feel will work best for me. All under Dr's care. I can let you know how it is working out for me. If you like I can add you to my team.
Hi Wendy,
I am interested in cannabis oil for Parkinson’s too. I am trying to find out if there are any clinical trials in Australia going on. I have been doing some research on the different types of cannabis plants you can grow and I’ve started a Pinterest board. Recently returned from Spain where I had been given some to try but it was hard to work out dosages and was I was short on time so didn’t see any therapeutic effect. Although the friend who supplied the oil said it had worked wonders on his friend with Parkinson’s and enabled him to play the piano again! Gives us hope, we just need to find a reliable source. Good luck.
CBD oil is legal in all 50 states just google cbd oil
i live in melbourne australia
I believe that here in Canada a doctor can prescribe it for you. Have you asked your doctor where you live if that is possible to get some there?
Has Anyone Tried Canabis Oil As A Pd Treatment? If So How Have You Found It, Any Improvements Etc?
Can You Give Me Information On Cannibis Oil?
I Understand Medical Marijuana Is Being Used For People With MS And Other Diseases. Anyone Using It For PD?