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Is It Normal For Someone With PD And Dementia To Sleep Most Of The Day ?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭

My husband has PD and Lewy body dementia, moderate/ sever . He has had this for about 5 years . Recently he has been sleeping more and more through the day . He takes Levedopa and Rivagestime . Is it just a normal progression

July 15, 2017
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Oh Wendy you definitely nailed it for me. I could have written your exact same post and signed my name to it.Thank you, your post once again made me realize that others are going through the exact same challenges as myself. On some bad days I feel "so lonely" with all of this; but not today!😊

June 27, 2021
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I eat a bowl of bran with a cereal I like every morning. And take fiber twice a day and drink plenty of water. My dr. Always tried to get me to take fibercon when I was younger because I always have been constipated. It really works!

July 23, 2019
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Leon used to sleep all day. Now we go to a Parkinson’s Exercise Class 3 times a week and that really helps us have a life and see other friends. I realize we are very fortunate to have a leader who is trained in Parkinson’s Exercise.
Also we go to the monthly Support Group meeting. That really helps.
If your loved one is unable to do any of this, it would be much harder.
I do think I would look into Home Instead and some of the social services and see what is available.
If we get to the point where I cannot care for Leon or he for me, then we would need to look into Assisted Living or Nursing Home Care. Those options are not to be dreaded. There are very friendly, helpful people available. I would visit daily, because Leon is the love of my life. I love holding his hand.-Much love 💕Sherwon and Leon

May 24, 2019
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Agree totally that it is difficult as daughter/caregiver to watch my Dad decline and grow increasingly weaker and dependant. But I definitely realize how very depressing and almost impossible it is for him to accept this reality. He keeps saying "Parkinson's has taken over my body, but not my mind"!!🙄😣

March 5, 2019
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

My husband also sleeps a lot. He takes naps during the day either in bed or on the sofa. He goes to bed anywhere between 6 pm to 7:30 pm. He has REM sleep disorder which makes him act out his dreams loudly as well.

July 17, 2017

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