For All YOPD : How Do You Cope When You Are Young And You Are Afflicted With An Old Aged Disease ?
It's hard to cope with PD when you are young, since most people with the disease are old and retired.Most people in my age group don't understand.I look healthy.That's why people don't believe that I have PD.I think that youth and Parkinson's don't go together.I just have to live with it
I get up, put on my pants/shorts like I always have and go about my day the best I can. I have good days and bad days, but there is no disease going to take over my life and dictate what i cant or cant do. i just have to live day by day and be glad God gives me another day on this earth.
I also find that people in our age group don't see a person with Parkinson's Disease when they look at me. Most people do not know and I'm positive they don't suspect anything. That will change in time, but for now...honestly, I just kind of started focusing more on how I feel than how others perceive me. If I'm not up to doing something, I wont do it if I don't have to. Others probably think I'm anti-social, but I rather them think that than forcing myself to do something I'm not up for. I also just kind of accepted that I am who I am and theres nothing I can do about that. I have a tremor in my foot and leg that others cant see if I'm wearing shoes and pants-- and I do lose my balance from time to time and probably look drunk. I used to be embarrassed by it. Now, though, I just accept it and if others want to wonder why I walked into a wall, then let them wonder. Sometimes its hard for me to speak...lose my thoughts, words come out wrong...cant focus.... and when others see that, they might wonder whats going on, but they wont ask. Again, I used to get embarresed by this, but now I just accept it and don't really care what others think. I guess what I'm saying is there are times you have to be selfish when you have YOPD. You cant expect the word to know you have Parkinsons and if you choose to tell people, you cant control how they will react. However, if you accept that this is who you are now then you need to look out for #1 if others don't get it. Yes, it's selfish-- but sometimes you have to be selfish to get through life. I'll stop rambling now. lol
I think the first year was denial second year was acceptance 3 year I was able to talk about it openly. Don't get me wrong it is still very difficult especially with progression. However it has been over for years now and still have a very physical job and a lot of people look at me ask and wonder how I do it. Take every day as it comes. Try. And make the most out of life And most importantly don't give up. The good thing is that we are young they cured hep C right? It's out there they will find it.
I an in with you DonVine, i am going to be 69 this month and i was diagnosed when i was 62 but i dont feel old but i do just what DonVine said there is not disease that s going to take over my life and like my husband says to me when i get feeling down ,he puts his arms around me and he says hey SAN we are where we are and we will make the best of a bad situation
I try to be polite to everyone but when someone says to me, " You don't look like you have Parkinson's."
I have a difficult time with a response. I want to say, "Exactly what does Parkinson's look like?" I printed out some information and hand it to people who are insensitive to my issues. That stops some people cold but others just continue to have no consideration for my feelings. I avoid them! Hang in there!
I Have Developed Droop Neck I Do Neck Exercise But Little Improvement I Have Very Short Walking Distance. I Am 77 And Have 13 Years Diagnos
For All YOPD Person Under The Age Of 45 : Do You Feel Isolated Being Young With This Disease In The PD Community?
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