Have You Discontinued Alcohol (social Drinking) Since Your Diagnosis?
My neurologist says NO alcohol: as it destroys neurons and is a depressant ( I suppose because it decreases dopamine ). But oh, how I like a good glass of wine...
I only drink on special occasions and only have 1 drink when I do.
heck no, How do you get through life without a glass of wine!!
I still have a beer once in a while i just skip my meds as not to mix
I agree. I have a cocktail when we go out & sometimes just a glass of wine to relax at the end of the day. It makes me feel normal instead of always watching what I eat or drink. The PD will be here in the morning if you have that wine or not.
The destroyed neurons are the least of our worries. They believed that about cannabis as well. What rubbish! Enjoy your glass of wine. Hope it's a nice full bodied red, good for heart and the mood too.
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Does Anyone Drink Beer And Take Carbidopa Levodopa? Before I Started Carbidopa Levodopa I Use To Drink 6 Beers Aday And Felt Great Beer