How Has Your Taste And Smell Been On Parkinson.
when I was diagnosed about 10 years ago I enrolled in a study to determine the link between loss of smell and onset of Parkinson's . First I had an MRI done than a smell test the researcher had a pile of 40 or so scratch & sniff cards , she would scratch one and I would have to smell it and tell her what it smelled like. I would have a list of 4 items to choose from ,like 1 Motor oil 2 leather 3 apple pie 4 oranges. I would smell it and I couldn't tell exactly what it was but it didn't smell like oil so I would guess Apple Pie thinking I had a 50/50 chance it was either that or oranges . using this guess method I got 17 out of 40 right . the professor who ran the study figured I had about 20% of my sense of smell left . He was experimenting with this because he figured a high percentage of Parkinson's patients had experienced some loss of smell 2 to 4 years before symptoms start. If true it could be an early diagnoses tool ...
I noticed my loss of smell about 20 years ago when I saw burning toast. (This was about 6 years before being diagnosed with PD. ) Since then some days my sense of smell is normal but mostly I have none. Some days I have smells stick in my nose but unable to recognise them. Other days I smell things that aren’t there. Luckily I haven’t lost my sense of taste.
Another Parkinson's symptom? Nose hallucinations. Talk to your doctor. I don't have them (yet)but I've heard of olfactory hallucinations.
Nancy (Copperhead)
I lost both years ago. But I have a dog with a gas problem so I guess it is not too bad to no sense of smell
Parkinson’s deminished both senses for a few items such as banana, gas, cinnamon, pickles, licorice and a few others. I smell and taste them, just not as well as before.
Sometimes, I'll smell things that just aren't there.
The worse loss of senses has been from three bouts with Covid-19 over two years. It has basically destroyed my sense of taste and smell across the board.
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