Is There Anybody That Don't Have Tremors ?
I don't have tremors.Shaking was never a definitive symptom for me.My primary symptom is stiffness/rigidity. I am happy that I don't shake.I know that maybe one day I will shake.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member My mother never had tremors. She had rigidity and swallowing issues. You may never have tremors.
Hi,everyone seams to be different,I know a lot of people who have pd.and we nearly have a variety of the disease ,some are unlucky and get most of them together I. Think that's me at the moment,I would not wish this on my worst enemy,but I would like everyone to live one day of our lives to know how it feels,when you tell someone about this they just don't understand how much that you can't do and that your not putting it on.
No tremors. Balance and gait. (and rigidity etc.) @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member They used to say PD wasn't hereditary, now they are discovering a whole bunch of genes that might be related. There is at least one clinical trial on MJFox website with some genetic testing. Now they think there may be a genetic predisposition + environmental factors for some of us. My mom had PD with tremors. My uncle had PD without tremors.
I don't have any tremors, at least not yet but my diagnosis was just last May 2016 so it's early yet. I have lots of other symptoms but at least not that one, yet.
I have done physical therapy it helps greatly !
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