Any VietNam Era Veterans On This Site?
I'm wondering if there are any VietNam era veterans here that were diagnosed with Agent Orange related Parkinsons Disease? I was just diagnosed with it and I'm wondering what percentage of disability you received. Is everyone the same or do they differ?
But mine came from contaminated well water at Camp Lejeune,NC 1977-80.
Corpsman with Alpha 1/9 served in GOT on Gator Freightors in '72.
My husband is a Vietnam vet...was diagnosed with PD in 2009. He also has Ischemic Heart Disease and a myriad of secondary complications. He began receiving 30% but over time and additional dx's he is now receiving 100%. Wishing you's a helluva journey!
Julie J
agent orange......just keeps on giving ! how they expected something that completely defoliates ground cover to not have a lasting effect on soldiers is beyond me. thank you both for your service, lu states
I am a Viet Nam veteran's wife. My husband is severely diabetic, and ischemic heart disease from AO, but I am the one with Parkinson's. I believe my PD came from the AO he ingested over there. I believe it can be absorbed through the skin or body fluids between husband and wife. He does have some tremors and some other PD symptoms, but he hasn't been diagnosed with PD.
If You Have Parkinson's, Are You A Spouse Of A Vietnam Veteran?
Is There Anyone Here With Parkinson's That Is A Spouse Of A Vietnam Veteran?
My Purpose Here Is To Find Other Service Persons That Have Served At An Air Field.