My Husband Has Parkinsons And Is Experiencing Vomiting Everyday....we Can't Get Into The Dr.s Until Monday...
Is anyone else experiencing or have experienced this?
I was vomiting everyday too with constipation also. The meds were to much for me. Drinking Vernors ginger soda really helps settle my stomach and soups that are light and brothy are good. But do see your neurologist asap
If you have chronic constipation as I do, vomiting frequently when trying to eat is my indication to get to the hospital. Its a sign of bowel obstruction which can lead to sepsis.
Sinemet really made me nauseous when the dosage was increased! I also throw up. The doctor lowered the dosage today. I hope it helps
Apokyn Injectable -about To Start On It. Anyone Use This Drug?
Are There Specific Exercises PD Patients Should Do?
Can Anyone Enlighten Me On The Term Parkinsons Plus Please?