Hi How Often Dose Everyone Take Their Meds.
lm taking 1 every sinemet 3 hours but soon might have to drop it to every 2 and a half hours, how low can you go and what happens if you get to every hour, and more drugs?
Have any of your Docs recommended RYTARY Extended release Carbodopa/Levodopa ?
I take one and a half carbidlevdopa every 3 1/2 hours (5per day). Have had PD for about 15 years.
How long has your husband been on the medication
I take 2 sinemet every 4hrs from 7am to 7pm. Plus 1 azelect and 1 pramipexol at 7am. I don't have tremors, my problem is freezing. Hope this helps
Has Anyone Tried John Grays Suppoosed Cure ??
Has Anyone From My PD Team Had An Adverse Reaction To The Shingles Vaccine?
Is PD Neuron And Movement Disorder Specialist The Same Thing? Do We Need To See Both?