I Have A Great Deal Of Trouble Urinating. I Have Been Diagnosed With Parkinson's 14 Months Ago.
My urinating problems have been going on for several years...I have been thoroughly checked out by a Urologist and found nothing wrong. It was after that, that I was diagnosed with Parkinson's; Does anyone else have these problems?
My husband, Adrian has had this problem for a couple of years. We thought that some of the problem was from having Prostate cancer. He had some radiation after the seeding. But from what I'm hearing it also happens with Parkinson. I wish we could solve the problem but.....oh well.
I suffer the same problem with my bladder it started about 2 years before my pd was diagnosed I also suffer with bouts of overspill diorea even though I have a small but daily visits to the loo. Taking movicol daily but even this does not solve the problem fully, I does affect my ability to travel even locally. This is probably not much help only to show you are not alone.
Pelvic exercises help
My husband also has urination problems. Our Neurologist says it's just part of PD.
I wanted to try pumpkin seeds would that help the urination
In 3 Mos.my Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
How Many Out There Have Parkinsonism? Do You Know The Difference Between Parkinsonism And Parkinson's?
Movement Disorder Specialist