With PD Does Anyone Feel Dizzy In Crowded Places?
I noticed that lately when I am in a crowded mall, restaurant, bar with so many people standing around I feel unbalanced and just want to get out of there. Does anyone feel this way or am I just strange? Bean
Yes I have trouble when I'm out with people
I stiffen up and freeze up and balance get bad.
This refreshing to know that it's not just me,I get anxious when I'm out in public and feel like I have to leave
I can get anxious and maybe like panic attacks as my tremors get worse and I don't think and talk as clear y as I could
I get panic or anxidty attacks
Right now I work in a high school with 1800 teenagers and at schedule changes the crowds are brutal...I think because of this I may notice I am getting a little off kilter, but I handle it and wait for it to pass...sometimes it passes quickly and others it takes a minute or two....I do find I trip over carpet a lot now....not good.... hang in there!
Does Anyone Feel Dizzy When They Are At A Mall And There Are Lots Of People There. Bean
Dizziness / Confusion
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