Does Anyone Find The Loss Of Coordination In The Hand With The Tremor? Especially Problematic When Trying To Cook Or Brush My Teeth.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member. Mine is in my right hand that's why i went for the electric brush it is much easier 🙂
I use an electric toothbrush now as I found it hard to coordinate a Manuel one with the tremor, it helps alot.
An early thing I noticed with PD was lack of coordination in my right hand I am where the tremor is.. My hand just doesn't do what I want it to. Difficult to brush teeth and I am no longer able to.
Chop up ground beef, beat an egg by hand...generally, that hand is very uncoordinated. My dentist suggested a water-pik which helps, and a battery operated toothbrush.
Yes, I do notice that in my left hand and also a delay in initiating movement. The delay is probably only 2 seconds but seems longer
I have tremors in my right hand . I notice lately that my hand get tired when brushing my teeth .
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