To All People Who Are/ Were Diagnosed With YOPD Under Age 45 : When You Look Youthful And Tell People You Have PD How Do They React ?
Outsiders never believe me when I tell them I have PD.Usually, they are very stunned and completely shocked. Maybe because of my age.They make weird facial expressions towards me.I think it's because of the stigma.The general population thinks of Parkinson's being an "old person disease" Even if YOPD is very uncommon I think there is tremendous work and awareness to do in the mainstream media to change the " Parkinson's stigma "
Yes they always tell me well sweetie your not old. Or does your mom have it but that's not my case. This disease does not mean it's only for the elderly doesn't mean it's only for people of one ethnic background. It can happen anytime, and it sucks. It comes at night pain, tears run down my face. All they give us is pills hey try this Or that. Sometime it works sometimes it doesn't that stiffness uuugh. While we wait till the next day comes and we wonder how will it be today...
Most common reaction is shock and then:"You don't look as though you have Parkinson's"
Thank you for bringing this up!! I feel that there is a great need to educate people about YOPD!! If I had a penny for every time somebody has told me You have Parkinson's but you're so youngs!! I get so upset 😡😡 people look at you weird they think you are lying!!
Most of the time I get "oh wow really, I had no idea" or I'm so sorry. One person said they were going to pray for my healing from it. I said I was glady just to have an answer. Not knowing was harder! Yes this sucks but later is later, for now it is a reason to make every day count. I can't plan to do things years from now but I have every reason to make the most of today.
I hand out Parkinson's ribbons that I make and anytime someone asks me" what's that ribbon you wear." I tell them my story short version of course. I want to do in the month of February our Awareness month. Give someone two ribbons one they get to keep and one they have to give someone else. And tell them how they need to spread the word.
To All People Who Are/were Diagnosed Under Age 45 : Do You Feel Different Because Of PD ?
For All YOPD : How Do You Cope When You Are Young And You Are Afflicted With An Old Aged Disease ?
For All YOPD Person Under The Age Of 45 : Do You Feel Isolated Being Young With This Disease In The PD Community?