Does Anyone Have Any Exercises To Keep The Face From Feeling Frozen?
I have Parkinson on the left side of my body. I have noticed my facial expressions becoming very tight and it is hard to smile properly. Does anyone have any exercises I can do to keep my face somewhat limber and not have that frozen feeling? Thank you.
Remember when U were little, and made faces at each other. Mom use to say, your face will stay like that.. That's what I do, to that Lady in my bathrm even makes faces back at Me..Seriously, it works to loosen those muscles...Try it.. I will send the, "Lady in the mirror to U."
Your going to laugh at this but I use to play a game with my grandchildren we called the funny face exercises. They would make a funny face then I would have to copy it. Don't laugh , it works.
Every morning I look in the mirror & see the turtle face or fish face. Every morning I give the mirror my sassiest smile & say "You can't get me today PD." It helps a lot!
I attend a voice classl. We have various exercises for speech, and it helps me with facial expression too. The first exercise is saying (loud and with intent). May-Me-My- Moe. Each word must “connect with the previous one. I have to enunciate each one loudly and with intent. The second on, we say “ Ah” holding it out for 10 seconds and repeat it 5 times. It must be done in one breath-19 seconds loudly and with intent. Then we move up to slides. Same “Ahs” sliding from lower voice range to sliding to high voice range-stop- then slide from high to low. The voice is not staccato like singing it like sliding.
“Speak with intent” was developed by a speech pathologist out of Texas. I believe there is a website.
I chew gum. It makes a huge difference!
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Im Thinking Of Joining A Gym ,i Still Work But Was Wondering If The Gym Is A Good Way To Exersice To Help With Pd.
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