Does Anyone Know Of Any PD Conferences In Florida For 2017.?
In Feb of this year 2016, there was a great conference for PD held in Tampa. Does anyone know if this will occur again this year? or maybe in another location?. I found that conference to be very helpful. Thank you.
Hi, I just received a question from Annie, she wants to know if you want information for all over Florida or within a specific area of Florida. If you could contact me again with the area I will contact her again. She did say that there are a lot of events all over Florida. Smile today is a Great Day
I have contacted Annie from NPF, she is gathering some information for me and as soon as I receive it, I will send it your way.
There is something in Miami ion February google or google parkinson diseas conf. Florida
Thank you. Punta Gorda is fairly close to us.
n March 3,2017in Punta Gorda Fla there is going to be a conference for people with PD
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