Who Can Tell Me About The Connection Between Parkinson's And Shortness Of Breath, If Any?
After having had a cardiac catheterization and ruling out blocked arteries/heart issues as the cause of my extreme shortness of breath, I started exploring the possibilities of Parkinson' being the cause. I was surprised to find there is a connection and wondered if others are aware of or have had experience with this also. By the way, I am not a smoker and take only two medications -- Lisinipril for blood pressure and an anti-clotting medication that I have taken for several years,
CarolIB I use an inhaler before I work out , but still get SOB , I thought it was because I had smoked for almost 40 years, not smoked since 2004, thank goodness, well I found out several have the scalp burning itching issue, heck why not SOB also , maybe because muscles work harder in the PD patient, due to rigidity. Maybe? Good theory😃
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member In my case it's not anxiety attacks. It's anytime I walk – from my house to my car, from parking lot to store, going up one flight of stairs. I also can't sing without losing my breath or read aloud. I haven't ruled out pulmonary issues yet, but my research is coming up Parkinson's more often than I would have expected.
That's great, @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Probably most people who take it don't. As you probably know, everybody reacts differently when it comes to medication, and chest pain isn't a common side effect. But it IS listed in the manfacturer's literature, so worth checking out for someone who is having trouble pinpointing the cause of their chest pain.
Yes, I have been through it all. There has been a lot of "guess work." Nothing showed up on cardiac testing. I continue to have difficulty breathing. The tightness in my chest is often unbearable. I feel like I am going to suffocate. Inhalers for asthma help some.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member I hope you have checked out other possible causes. Never assume when it comes to chest pain. I got a clean bill of health -- some blockage. One stent. But they attributed my chest pain mostly to acid reflux/heartburn rather than heart.
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