My ins co has decided that Azilect is no longer part of my preferred formulary and will not pay. 30 pills used to cost $30 now $728.00. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you resolve it. Azilect has worked very well for me the last 3.5 years and why fix what isn't broken??? Sad that some vague review board can decide what is best for me without ever meeting or speaking to me!
Luckily my ins co reconsidered and after paying for 1 shipment from Canada (Quality Prescriptions in Vancouver). I now am fortunate to get them from my ins thru the mail for $75 for a three month supply. I am so blessed and hope that it continues to be approved and supplied by them. If not I will contact Canada. My 3 mo Canadian refill cost $300 for 90 day supply which is certainly better than the $759 per month I would have to pay myself at the local pharmacy. Thanks for your information!
For @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member@Jjmski I get Rasageline (generic for Azilect)from a Canadian Drug firm, Planet Drugs Direct ( iT come from India but it sure beats paing US priices I pay $149 for 100 tablets And it works. i tske 1 MG every mprning with a 50/200 SENEMET CR AND A .5 MIRAPEX..As my neuro explained, it evens out the hills and valleys over the course of the day. If yo shold decide to check it out, please tell them that Mary Best recommended that you call. Hope this helps anyone who is looking for better prices.As far as mirapex is concernedm Costco has excellent prices for that medication. The senemet CR comes from england thru the Canada kinsmen still trying to get this to you. Let me know if you receive it
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member this is for you. I hope you get it. @Jjmski My MEDS have now changed and both the senemet 25/100 &25/100 controlled release come from Canada directly. The wait time is only 2 weeks! If you call PlanetDirectDrugs please mention my name. It means an additional $20 off for both of us.
Have you tried any of the Canadian pharmacies? You find a lot of people use them and save a tremendous amount of money.
Hi Jmsk,
My husband takes Azilect as well He says he can tell the difference in how he feels when not on it, the doctor had him half it. So now he's back on 1/day. David goes into the donut hole so early in the Medicare year and we never seem to get out, We paid $834 for s 90 day supply. There doesn't seem to be anyway to get $ assistance through the company, they only offer it to patients who don't Bharat insurance through a government plan and sadly, Medicare is one..if you find ny resources for it, please let us know.
Any Successful Low Dose MEDICATIONS For Early Stage PD.
I Am Trying To Find Someone Who Has Been Taking Azilect For Over 5 Years And If They Feel It Has Helped With The Slowing Of Parkisons.