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Does Everyone With PD Have Serious Problems With Thinking And Remembering Things?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Carthage, NC

Is this normal with PD? Or do you think it's with dementia with PD? I have more tests to take. Thank you so much for any comments.

August 9, 2016
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Mind you I'm nearly 15 yrs diagnosed and I can say with humour and honesty, as long as I can have a conversation and realise my limitations I am happy.

I can complete the things I need to do in my Parker's time or wait until I can complete them in my own time . Remembering I live in two worlds the one of disability and one of Ability.

Each world give me different results . I say with humour that not often people can have two choices of worlds to live in so I just go with the flow. No matter which world I'm in I always forgive myself If I have made a mess of anything, cos after all we are only human !!

August 14, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Yes my husband was first diagnosed with Altzheimers then Parkinsons and now Lewy body dementia..The first symptons he had was a slow gait and walking like a robot then he couldn't do his bank book or work with figures, Now he has to use a walker and has a lot of back pain.

August 11, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

There seems to be many more investigations done in America to diagnose the type of PD. My neurologist said you have parkinsons take as much levadopa as you need, you will know your having too much if you feel sick. End of story. Ive prity much fumbled through the last 2 years adjudting my meds as per my symptoms.This site is a godsend.

August 10, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

yes i have difficulty with short term memory and difficulty being mentally flexible. this is the hardest thing to say goodbye to...:(

August 10, 2016
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Good Morning @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member Mark has been having a harder time with this recently. He's had a dx of PD for 8 years but he had been showing symptoms about 2 years before that. His memory has gotten pretty scattered lately. For instance...he knows his dad loves a good salad and I had told him to fix them both a salad. I had to run out to pick up pizza and got back and he only had one fixed. I said "did you not fix your dad a salad" and he was like "dad doesn't like salad". He ended up arguing with me for about 10 minutes about it and I finally dawned on me....he doesn't remember. The most important thing he forgot was to put a copy of my auto insurance into my Jeep and when we got to the NC Marine Base I had to have a copy for a pass. Ended up having to call our insurance company and they faxed a copy. What if we had been in an accident and didn't have that?
So long story memory is one of the things that goes. However i do feel like you can postpone those symptoms if you do things to keep your mind active. Like puzzles, crossword puzzles, reading anything that the mind has to do to process things.
I hope that helps Sandra. Love ya,

August 10, 2016

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I Was Diagnosed 2 Yrs Ago, Symptoms Longer.In The Past Few Months My Short Term Memory Has Gotten Bad. Scary Bad. My Wife Gets Frustrated

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